Blogger is one of the most in-demand
blogging platform powered by Google. Blogger is one of the powerful
blogging platform developed by Google and it is one of the oldest
blogging platforms. Blogger is simple yet powerful blogging platform, it
is famous with its in built theme editor, you don’t need to have
developer skills, it’s easy to use.
If you are a serious blogger your blog really requires a serious rig, you are restricted to the 16 blogger templates
provided by blogger platform. So you need to get a professional theme
for your particular needs, there are thousands of blogger templates are
readily available both paid and free. These templates allow you to
customize your theme for your own personal kind of use, but there might
be a confusion on which blog template to use, free or paid? Well, I
would say both have their particular benefits.
Today we are talking about free responsive blogger templates, free blogger templates
are a good solution if you are on a limited budget. The tough part is
to select a professional one among thousands of free responsive blogger
templates, don’t worry as always we have the solution. Below you can see
a list of 200+ professional free responsive blogger templates released on 2014.
We have hand picked these high quality blogger themes from various
sources based on the blow listed category. You can navigate through
these categories to find the best free blogger theme you wanted.